afsp | Africa Soil Profiles Database |
as.data.frame | Converts an object of class '"SoilProfileCollection"' to a data frame |
as.data.frame-method | Converts an object of class '"SoilProfileCollection"' to a data frame |
as.geosamples | Converts an object to geosamples class |
as.geosamples-method | Converts an object to geosamples class |
autopredict | Autopredict numeric or factor type variables |
autopredict-method | Autopredict numeric or factor type variables |
AWCPTF | Available soil water capacity |
buffer.dist | Derive buffer distances to a set of points |
buffer.dist-method | Derive buffer distances to a set of points |
cookfarm | The Cook Agronomy Farm data set |
describe | A class for a Web Processing Service |
describe-method | A class for a Web Processing Service |
edgeroi | The Edgeroi Data Set |
edgeroi.grids | The Edgeroi Data Set |
edgeroi.grids100 | The Edgeroi Data Set |
ERDICM | Effective Rooting Zone depth |
extract | Extracts values at points from a list of files |
extract-method | Extracts values at points from a list of files |
extract.list | Extracts values at points from a list of files |
FAO.SoilProfileCollection | A class for FAO SoilProfileCollection |
FAO.SoilProfileCollection-class | A class for FAO SoilProfileCollection |
fit.gstatModel | Methods to fit a regression-kriging model |
fit.gstatModel-method | Methods to fit a regression-kriging model |
fit.regModel | Fits a regression model to spatial data |
fit.regModel-method | Fits a regression model to spatial data |
fit.vgmModel | Fits a 2D or 3D variogram model to spatial data |
fit.vgmModel-method | Fits a 2D or 3D variogram model to spatial data |
geochm | NGS database samples for Indiana State |
geosamples-class | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |
getHorizons | Converts an object of class '"SoilProfileCollection"' to a data frame |
getID | Derive 1 degree cell IDs |
getID-method | Derive 1 degree cell IDs |
getProcess | A class for a Web Processing Service |
getProcess-method | A class for a Web Processing Service |
getSpatialTiles | Get a list of tiles (regular blocks) |
getSpatialTiles-method | Get a list of tiles (regular blocks) |
GlobalSoilMap | A class for GlobalSoilMap soil property maps |
GlobalSoilMap-class | A class for GlobalSoilMap soil property maps |
GSIF.env | GSIF specific environmental variables / paths |
GSIF.opts | GSIF specific environmental variables / paths |
gstatModel-class | A class for a geostatistical model |
isis | ISRIC Soil Information System |
landmask | Global coarse resolution land / soil mask maps |
landmask20km | Global coarse resolution land / soil mask maps |
LRI | Limiting Rootability |
make.3Dgrid | Methods to prepare 3D prediction locations |
make.3Dgrid-method | Methods to prepare 3D prediction locations |
makeGstatCmd | Make a gstat command script |
makePixels | Autopredict numeric or factor type variables |
makeSAGAlegend | Standard color palettes for soil properties and classes |
makeTiles | Get a list of tiles (regular blocks) |
merge | Merge multiple predictions |
merge-method | Merge multiple predictions |
mpspline | Fits a mass preserving spline |
mpspline-method | Fits a mass preserving spline |
munsell | A class for FAO SoilProfileCollection |
OCSKGM | Soil organic carbon stock |
over-method | A class for SoilGrids REST API |
over-method | A class for a Web Processing Service |
over-method | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |
plot-method | A class for a geostatistical model |
plot.gstatModel | A class for a geostatistical model |
predict-method | Predict from an object of class '"gstatModel"' |
predict.gstatModel | Predict from an object of class '"gstatModel"' |
predict.gstatModelList | Predict from an object of class '"gstatModel"' |
print.gstatModel | A class for a geostatistical model |
resample.grid | Kriging combined with splines |
REST.SoilGrids | A class for SoilGrids REST API |
REST.SoilGrids-class | A class for SoilGrids REST API |
sample.grid | sample spatial points by grids |
sample.grid-method | sample spatial points by grids |
sample.grid.SpatialPoints | sample spatial points by grids |
sample.grid.SpatialPointsDataFrame | sample spatial points by grids |
show-method | A class for a Web Processing Service |
show-method | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |
show-method | Summarize an object of class '"SpatialPredictions"' |
soil.classes | Soil classification tables |
soil.dom | Standard color palettes for soil properties and classes |
soil.legends | Standard color palettes for soil properties and classes |
soil.vars | Standard color palettes for soil properties and classes |
SoilGrid.validator | Validate SoilGrid (spatial predictions) |
SoilGrids | A class for SoilGrids - soil property and/or class maps |
SoilGrids-class | A class for SoilGrids - soil property and/or class maps |
sp3D | Methods to prepare 3D prediction locations |
sp3D-method | Methods to prepare 3D prediction locations |
SpatialComponents-class | A class for gridded components derived using the 'spc' method |
SpatialMemberships-class | A class for membership maps derived using the 'fkmeans' classification |
spc | Derive Spatial Predictive Components |
spc-method | Derive Spatial Predictive Components |
spfkm | Supervised fuzzy _k_-means on spatial pixels |
spfkm-method | Supervised fuzzy _k_-means on spatial pixels |
spline.krige | Kriging combined with splines |
spmultinom | Multinomial logistic regression on spatial objects |
spmultinom-method | Multinomial logistic regression on spatial objects |
spsample.prob | Estimate occurrence probabilities of a sampling plan (points) |
spsample.prob-method | Estimate occurrence probabilities of a sampling plan (points) |
stack-method | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |
subset-method | A class for a Web Processing Service |
subset-method | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |
summary | Summarize an object of class '"SpatialPredictions"' |
summary-method | Summarize an object of class '"SpatialPredictions"' |
test.gstatModel | Methods to test predictability of a regression-kriging model |
test.gstatModel-method | Methods to test predictability of a regression-kriging model |
tile | Tiles (subsets or clips) a spatial object to regular blocks |
tile-method | Tiles (subsets or clips) a spatial object to regular blocks |
TT2tri | Probability density for texture triangle |
USDA.TT.im | Probability density for texture triangle |
validate | A class for a geostatistical model |
validate-method | A class for a geostatistical model |
warp | (GDAL) warp function from FWTools |
warp-method | (GDAL) warp function from FWTools |
WPS-class | A class for a Web Processing Service |
write.data | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |
write.data-method | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |
write.data.geosamples | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |
write.data.SpatialPoints | A class for spatially and temporally referenced samples |